About shortfinals………

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Aviation specialist? Yes, BUT…..lots of other interests and some skills of note. Expect references to Victorian literature, cookery, library science (a.k.a ‘L space’),  science fiction, cartoons of the 19th and 20th century, allohistory, industrial archaeology, World War Two, museums, air shows and much more.

Oh, and there is only one photograph on here that is not my own (it is annotated) – the rest  of the blog is © Ross Sharp. The text MAY be quoted, providing full acknowledgement is given, as well as an active link back to the original. Should you wish to use one of the photographs, please contact me.

There is a useful ‘search’ box at the bottom of each post – I would urge you to use it. Similarly, if you have enjoyed the blog, consider checking the box marked ’email alert’. That way you will get chance to view the latest post quicker!


26 comments on “About shortfinals………”

  1. Your late father-in-law was there for the opener? Didn’t Yankee stadium open in 1929 to a packed house where George Herman Ruth hit a long ball? I wrote an article about it not too long ago.
    In September I went on a guided tour in the archives of the Babe Ruth Museum, it was incredible.

    Have you ever been to that? I’m sure you know, he grew up in Baltimore here.

    You have an awful lot of knowledge…and interests.


    • I don’t know if Lou was there for the opener. He was from CT, and would have been a youngster. He played for a farm team in the South just before the war, and then went into the Service. My knowledge comes from about four different careers *chuckle*, including being a museum curator at one stage. Glad to see you returning to the blog. Oh, and my last cricket bat (which I brought with me, as a reminder of my playing days) weighs 3lb 14oz…….


  2. Oh Yeah, I meant to tell you that I got to hold one of his bats..
    it was big and heavy.


  3. Hello,

    I have just discovered your blog and admire its scope as well as quality. It is also refreshing for me since I live in the USA to see the UK. It seems that many aviation events take place on grass covered fields (I am thinking of the Short Bros. Pioneer, especially at this moment).

    The fusion aspect of your blog is done well, congratulations. I’ve just enjoyed reading about castles you’ve toured.

    I write a blog on aviation museums and a little history. If you would care to check it out it is entitled “Travel for Aircraft” (http://travelforaircraft.wordpress.com/). On May 10th I have scheduled a mention to my readers about your work. My blog is not written as well as yours, though, more practice on my part is required.

    Thanks again,

    Joe May


  4. Update: I believe that the author of this blog, Ross Sharp, passed away 11 April 2010 — if the obit notice from the Caldwell UK area is correct. If it is then he passed away due to natural causes at the age of 70. His web log was a good one and he has been missed.

    Here is the obit:

    Sharp, Ross
    Ross Sharp, 70, Caldwell, died Sunday, April 11, 2010, at home of natural causes Services are pending with Dakan Funeral Chapel, Caldwell 459 3629.


  5. Hello,
    I am interested in using one of your photos for educational purposes. Could you please send me the appropriate contact information? Thank you!


  6. Glad to see I was in error about the man in the notice being yourself. I’ve updated my blog and look forward to seeing more of your future posts.


  7. Tell me about that knockout airplane you’re posing in!


  8. Intersting stuff. Would like a chat sometime about your Anglo American aviation interests


  9. Good Day, Ross –
    Our mutual friend and aviation history blogger Joe May (http://travelforaircraft.wordpress.com/) has introduced his readers to your well-produced and researched site: Much appreciated! Joe credits you with source material for his report on the first South Atlantic aerial crossing (1922) from Portugal to Brazil which led me, in turn, to supplemental details about the Coutinho sextant. As a former Navigator and Skipper for Pan American World Airways I found this, and the account of the flight, to be fascinating stuff!
    Many thanks, and keep up the good work!


  10. Hiya, wonderful blog covering many of the things that ring my bell. Cracking images! The Sopwith 1½ Strutter was of particular interest as we are researching the life of one who flew them for 40 Sqrn (RFC/RAF) but didn’t make it home. If you have more I would love to see a couple. http://arthurkeenrfc.blogspot.com.br/ Ignore the .br bit, I set the blog up whilst in S.America and missed the suffix.


    • Thanks for the kind comments. I have been rather tardy of late in updating the blog. This is due to my heavy involvement with the People’s Mosquito project http://www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk/ However, I shall look for some more WW1 images, including the=ose of the 1 1/2 Strutter. Cheers, Ross


  11. No worries Ross, enjoy the Mossie.


  12. Hello Ross,
    Just a quick note about your Ventura pic…I remember seeing one at Disney MGM Studio on their back lot tour. Don’t know if its in flying condition (doubtful) but it is always a treat to find a little gem like that. Any details?
    BTW…have been touring your site a bit and love it. I hope to be a regular if I can pry the keyboard away from the offspring!



  13. You’re looking good on ESPN tonight — just like the man in the cockpit. Go, Sox!


  14. Hej Ross, just checking in. I locked out my account on the old site, but did it on an impulse such that I failed to pay my friends the courtesy of a good bye note. Sorry about that, you all deserved better. Love you on this site, Alain


  15. Cool Nice to have met you today at the de Havilland Aircraft Museum. I hope that you enjoyed your visit.


  16. Hi – I saw an old post of yours on the Slouching Somewhere blog, where you said that The Pickwick Papers was among the books that you read at least once a year. You might be interested in taking a look at my new novel Death and Mr Pickwick, which tells the story of the origin and history of The Pickwick Papers. In my view, Pickwick is not just a great novel – it also has the best backstory of any work of literature I have encountered. You can find out more at: http://www.deathandmrpickwick.com where I can also be contacted – and please do, if you feel like doing so. I love to talk about Pickwick. Best wishes Stephen Jarvis


  17. I’ve been looking around this old blog you put together and find it very interesting. I believe I may be able to acquire some new readers for you, if you are willing to start to things up again?


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